Friday, October 10, 2008


In recent years there is a growing concern about the increasing Global warming, As a Structural Engineer with specialisation in Reinforced Cement Concrete & Steel Structure I have lately started thinking that modern Civil Engineeing is Major Cause in the Global warming. cement & steel came into existense only within the last two Hundred Years. But the world has had it's existense for over two thousand years & Global Warming was never a serious issue. In the name of development & status symbol Mega Multistoried Buildings are coming up in many parts of the world. Just imagine the quantity of cement & steel consumed in these buildings. Even in small One & two storied Building extensive use of Cement & Steel is being done.This steel & cement has to be produced in factories which emit enormous amounts of heat & gases. Almost all these building need Airconditioning requiring huge amount of Electricity. Why can't we promte the use of locally available building material Like Bricks, Lime, Stones. 13 / 18 inch Load Bearing with ceiling heights above 18 ft. & ventilators provide very comfortable Living

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