Monday, November 23, 2009


Global warming is a hot topic & the Life on the Planet earth may vanish after 2012. Whether it is right or wrong the Movie could be money spinner.
As a structural Engineer I wish to point out that the Center of Gravity of the Earth may shift due to construction of increasing number of multistoeried buildings & excavation of Oil, Coal & other Natural resources from deep depths of the ground. On one side you are increasing point loads on the surface of the Earth whereas on the otherside you are creating deep holes which could create rotational effect & increase in number of Earthquakes
It is likely to disbalance the rotation of the Earth on it's own axis/around the Sun. & tilting of the Earth. A slight variation in the shifting of the eliptical path of movement of Earth around the Sun will result in catostrophic consequences for life on Earth.
Some of the multistoried buildings constructed around the world within the last 10-15 years & are having approximately 100 storeys. 500 meters high > In Newyork only there may be moe than 100 buildings which around Sixty stories High.
hong kong,(international finance tower) zin mau tower( china), juangdow west center(china), petronas tower(malasia), taipei, dubai, Similarly in the Usa more than 50 multistoried buildings which are 60 floors or more exist in New York only.
All Structural Engineering Calculations are based on the Center of Gravity Bending Moment, Torsion, Shear Force etc. It is high time that the modern day Civil Engineers study the, Energy consumption, Gas Emissions in the manufacture of Steel, Coment, Plastics used in the construction of these buildings. Subsequently the amount of Energy needed for Air Conditioning, incenerators , maintanance etc.
The earths surface is loaded with these heavy structure & other hand the solid ores & oils are being excavated to meet the increasing demand of energy.